Past World Meetings

XXV — Munich, Germany, 2024
President: Tracy Vaillancourt (Canada)
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XXIIII — Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2022
President: Eric Dubow (USA)
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XXIII — Paris, France, 2018
President: Mike Potegal (USA)
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XXII — Sydney, Australia, 2016
President: Kaj Björkqvist (Finland)
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XXI — Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2014
President: John Knutson (USA)
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XX — Walferdange, Luxembourg, 2012
President: Craig Anderson (USA)
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XIX — Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 2010
President: Deborah Richardson (USA)

XVIII — Budapest, Hungary, 2008
President: Menno Kruk (the Netherlands)

XVII — Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2006
President: Caroline Blanchard (USA)

XVI — Santorini, Greece, 2004
President: John Archer (UK)

XV — Montreal, Québec, Canada, 2002
President: Ed Donnerstein (USA)

XIV — Valencia, Spain, 2000
President: Jaap Koolhaus (the Netherlands)

XIII — Mahwah, New Jersey, USA, 1998
President: Rowell Huesmann (USA)

XII — Strasbourg, France, 1996
President: Dan Olweus (Norway)

XI — Delray Beach, Florida, USA, 1994
President: Robert Blanchard (USA)

X — Siena, Italy, 1992
President: Adam Fraczek (Poland)

IX — Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1990
President: Leonard Eron (USA)

VIII — Swansea, Wales, 1988
President: Kirsti Lagerspetz (Finland)

VII — Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1986
President: Seymour Feshbach (USA)

VI — Turku, Finland, 1984
President: Paul Brain (UK)

V — Mexico City, Mexico, 1982
President: Leonard Berkowitz (USA)

IV — Haren, the Netherlands, 1980
President: Pierre Karli (France)

III — Washington, D.C., USA, 1978
President: David Hamburg (USA)

II — Paris, France, 1976
President: Anthony Barnett (Australia)

I — Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1974
President: John Paul Scott (USA)

Founding meeting—Tokyo, Japan, 1972
President: Saul Rosenzweig (USA)

Off-year meetings have also been held in Strasbourg, France (1979); Zeist, The Netherlands (1983); Parma, Italy (1985); Univ. of Seville, Spain (1987); Szombathely, Hungary (1989); and Jerusalem, Israel (1991).

Special Regional Meeting — Jerusalem, Israel

A special regional meeting of ISRA in Jerusalem, Israel, took place from October 22-24, 2019. This meeting was sponsored jointly by ISRA and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.